What's On



21/09/2024 - Pistons & Props - Sywell Airfield Northamptonshire - Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd Sept 24
Great combination of Hot Rods, historic racers and motorbikes with classic planes and vintage music. Vintage fun fair and traders village, camping packages available - further details on Sywell Classic - PISTONS & PROPS website. Gates open at 10:00 hrs each day


11/10/2024 - Classic Motorcycle & Scooter Show - Staffs Showground 12TH - 13TH OCT 24
Good two day Bike & Scooter event held on the Saturday and Sunday at the Staffordshire County Showground. Will be in the Side Hall in the auto jumble section with a selection of classic US military/vintage clothing
20/10/2024 - Malvern Militaria Show - Sunday 20TH Oct 24
Quality one day event presented by Amanda and her team on Sunday 22nd October 23 at the Three Counties Show Ground Malvern from 0930 - 1600 hrs. Variety of military traders selling a wide spectrum of military items.


07/12/2024 - Morton's Classic Motorcycle Show - Kempton Park
Morton's "Classic Motorcycle Show" One day show held on Saturday 7th Dec 24 at the Kempton Park Racetrack. Taking a good selection of classic reproduction US military clothing and retro clothing. Inside stall near rear door to external pitches.



11/01/2025 - Classic Motorcycle & Scooter Show - Newark Show Ground
Two day event held on Saturday & Sunday at the Newark Show Ground. Good day out if your into Bikes and Scooters. Lots of club displays and will be taking a selection of Retro and Northern Soul gear


02/02/2025 - Stoneleigh Militaria Fair
Premier one day military one day show ran by Amanda and her team at the The Exhibition Centre Stoneleigh Park Coventry CV8 2LZ . Three Halls with 300 plus dealers selling a wide range of militaria. Opens 08:00 - 15:00 hrs. I'm next to my good friends Paul & SOF on the route to the loos!
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